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Chatsworth Multi Academy Trust
Achieving Excellence Together

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Coronavirus update - 13/03/2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to you to update you on the coronavirus situation in relation to Chatsworth High School and Community College, Chatsworth Futures and Chatsworth Engage. You will be aware that this is a very serious situation and that many of the young people we serve are particularly vulnerable. Therefore I want you be clear on our position during this time.

We will be following the advice from the Department for Education in all matters. If we are advised to close any of our provision, we will do so. We will send you information about this via texts or the SEESAW app.

We are taking some additional measures to try our best to protect our young people. We have cancelled all events and visits that pupils and learners may have been involved in. We have cancelled any but the most urgent of meetings in our school and college settings. We have also cancelled any but the most urgent of meetings which our staff will attend.

If you feel that you want to keep your child at home during this time because they are particularly vulnerable, then we will authorise this decision. Please inform the school, Chatsworth Futures or Chatsworth Engage if you decide to do this.

If your child becomes unwell during the day, we will contact you and ask you to come and take them home immediately. We need to be very mindful of the vulnerability of the young people in our Trust.

Please be assured that we are working at all levels to cope with this crisis as well as we can. We are going to be monitoring the situation hour by hour and will keep you all up to date with any decision we make.

Finally, can I ask you to support us in our efforts to protect the very special children and young people we are privileged to work with. You always do and it is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
