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Chatsworth Multi Academy Trust
Achieving Excellence Together

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C-19 Protocol

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that you are well and that you have enjoyed some sort of a break over the summer holidays. I am contacting you to update you on our reopening of Chatsworth High School and Community College, Chatsworth Futures and Chatsworth Engage. We are looking forward to welcoming back our children and young people and starting the long process of reintegrating them with their learning. We know this will be a challenge but we also know it is a key aspect of their lives which we must do everything to secure.

You will have received information relating to your situation and this has not changed. Therefore please follow the dates and times you have received from us. If you are unsure about any of the arrangements for your child, please do not hesitate to contact us for clarification.

I am also sending a Protocol for Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 which we have developed in conjunction with public health officers and Salford Local Authority. It is absolutely vital that you adhere strictly to this protocol. This is only way to protect ourselves at the current time and every member of our learning community must do their utmost to ensure that they follow these rules. We will be working closely with public health officers and their contact tracing teams throughout the forthcoming weeks and months and it is important that everybody plays their part as we endeavour to protect our communities. If you have any questions arising from this protocol, please email them directly to me at

In the meantime, keep well and stay safe.

