Governance Structure
The Chatsworth Multi Academy Trust has adopted a Governance Structure which is designed to maintain the outstanding work of the Trust whilst providing the support and challenge necessary to drive up standards in all we do.
The Members of the Trust are responsible for ensuring that the Trust fulfils its obligations under its articles and achieve this by holding Trustees to account for the activity of the Trust.
The Trustees of the Trust are ultimately responsible for the strategic development of the Trust and securing positive outcomes for all pupils and learners in the Trust. In order to achieve this they hold the Chief Executive Officer to account for the activity of the Trust and operate the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation and Scheme of Financial Delegation in overseeing the conduct of Local Governing Bodies.
The Members and Trustees of the Trust have made a strategic decision to enable organisations within the Trust to maintain a degree of autonomy within the structure of the Trust commensurate with their level of performance and their positive impact on pupil and learner outcomes. Consequently, wherever appropriate, the Local Governing Body will have a significant role to play in the strategic development of the school.
The Chair of the Chatsworth High School and Community College Governing Body is Louise Hutchinson.
The Chair of Chatsworth Futures Governing Body is Dave Williams.